Through scholarship, community collaboration, and focused individual art production, Cadastral Masorah uses maps as the entry point to a discussion about cultural and personal knowledge, relation to place, and identity. Corrie studies and incorporates micrography texts from the 10th century to modern day, the maps of Cresques Abraham, and city records from places with significant Jewish populations. These sources are used as points of departure for collaborative community events. Resulting workshops, performances and curated tours encourage individuals to interpret their own neighborhoods, and explore boundaries and identity through the visual language of cartography and micrography. Corrie uses the fruits of this collaboration as well as her primary research to create maps, photographs and installations.

This project is made possible with support from The Six Points Fellowship. The Six Points Fellowship for Emerging Jewish Artists is a program of the Foundation for Jewish Culture, originally founded in partnership with Avoda Arts, and JDub, with significant funding from The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles, the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles, and the Righteous Persons Foundation.